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Pedestrian accident attorney

Can a pedestrian accident attorney help you? Let’s find out now.

A pedestrian getting into an accident always has to go through a lot which they didn’t even pre-empted. There’s a lot of pain, injuries, financial and non-financial damages. On top of that, you lose your wages or even your job. But you shouldn’t be taking the fall for someone else’s mistake. Why should your life be miserable just because you decided to cross the road? Yes, that’s the reason why a pedestrian accident attorney helps you in various ways. Are you still confused? Let’s talk about what a pedestrian accident lawyer does for you in detail.

How can a pedestrian accident attorney help you?

A pedestrian accident attorney can help you in a lot of ways if you get into an accident. They will take up all the hassle and handle your legal matters. A pedestrian accident attorney will gather all evidence to build your case. Talk to witnesses including the expert witnesses. They will notify the driver’s insurance company, your insurance company, and anyone who needs to know about your accident. After that, they will build your case by talking to your doctors and taking your medical records. Put up the case on the table and negotiate the settlement with insurance companies on your behalf.

Let’s figure out the benefits of working with a pedestrian accident lawyer one by one.

They allow you to focus on your recovery.

Sometimes; in fact, most of the time, pedestrian accidents are so severe that you don’t want anything else to worry about. But as they say, the soon your legal process starts the higher the chances for you to win the case become. That’s why, even if you don’t want to, you most probably have to file a case ASAP. But in this situation, your pedestrian accident attorney is your real savior. They take up all the legal actions and you won’t have to worry about anything. 

Pedestrian accident attorney helps you get the maximum compensation

This is the tricky phase of your case. During this step, the insurance companies agree that you should get some compensation for your injuries. But they mostly don’t want to give you what you deserve. That’s why they try to minimize your claim by using several complex negotiation tactics. 

But only a lawyer knows how to handle them and properly negotiate with them. A non-legal person won’t know the difference between different laws and their implications. However, an expert lawyer knows what law is being compromised and how to handle that situation. 

Car insurance companies are hard to deal with; a lawyer knows ways.

Car insurance companies never back down from getting your compensation to the lowest. You can only get a maximum payout if you have a professional lawyer by your side. But there are lots of complications in the car insurance terms and conditions. You cannot advocate for yourself if you don’t know them all. They also use local traffic laws in their benefits to lower your compensation whereas a local lawyer knows if you’re being misled. 

You could get compensation quickly with a lawyer.

Usually, the delaying tactics win in a lot of cases and the plaintiffs fail to follow through with the case. But your lawyer won’t let them use these delaying tactics at all. There are rules about paying the compensation. And your lawyer will know when to wait. And if that company doesn’t pay you on time, they will be charged even more by your lawyer by law.

Experience with the legal system

A lawyer knows how the legal system works. They can easily take the insurance companies to court if they follow the procedure. Also, a good lawyer will have the capability to represent you in court trials. They will follow the courtroom etiquettes, and cross-question the defendants and their representatives. 

Common causes of pedestrian accidents

Failure to yield at crosswalks

Most of the pedestrian accidents happen because the drivers don’t comply with the local laws. They fail to yield at the designated areas for pedestrians. For example, crosswalks or sidewalks are for pedestrians. According to many states’ laws; the driver must yield to the pedestrians before moving forward in the designated areas. If they don’t and hit someone, the Pedestrian Accident Attorney can use that to their benefit to win the case. 

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is the most common cause of accidents. Actually, it is called so because the drivers divert their attention from driving to texts, phones, and other things. And they do this while driving which is completely unsafe for the driver as well as the people around them. According to a study, almost 3000 Americans get into an because of distracted driving each year. And many of them don’t even bear the injuries and die due to the accident.


Speeding is the third most common cause of accidents. People love speeding on carpet roads and that’s where the adrenaline rush doesn’t let you hold it back. Also, these super luxury sports cars have made it even crazier just because of the way these cars pick up speed. But most of the time, when people speed on the common roads or undesignated roads, they hit someone or something. And that’s where the killer wins and you lose.

Disobeying traffic laws

Traffic laws are in place in all parts of the world to keep people safe. If everyone follows the traffic laws, there won’t be any accidents due to traffic issues. But as we’re humans we don’t want to be told what to do. Hence, accidents happen as a result of our ignorant arrogance.

Wrapping up

A pedestrian accident attorney can be needed at any time for anyone. After all, you never know what could happen to you if you just step on the sidewalk or crosswalk. But, always try to be extra careful on roads and follow all the safety guidelines. You should always yield to any cars around on the road before stepping on the crosswalks.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

How can a car accident lawyer help me?

A car accident attorney can help you get the money you deserve for your injury. Alternatively, they can even help you in getting the driver behind bars if the driver’s completely at fault. Especially if they are the cause of the death of someone.

What does “litigator” mean?

A litigator is a kind of lawyer having expertise in the litigation process. They play their role in dispute resolution and courtroom proceedings with the cases.

Does litigate mean argue?

Well, yes. Litigation is the process of creating an argument in the courtroom to get both parties including the judge or jury to think about certain unveiled aspects of the case. This is to influence the overall judgment of the case.

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